Aston Martin Nashville
Apr 21, 2023
An up-close shot of an Aston Martin engine

Image via Aston Martin Nashville.

An Aston Martin engine is a highly complex piece of automotive technology. Experts must complete any repairs that may be required to prevent less skilled technicians from causing additional damage. If you have an engine problem in Nashville, TN, your Aston Martin dealer has the skilled technicians and equipment to fix the problem for you. These are signs that you need to visit us for a repair.

Colored Smoke From the Tailpipe

Every driver knows that exhaust smoke is almost colorless and whispy. If your car suddenly produces blue, white, or black smoke, these are signs of engine trouble. Each color represents a different problem, but each can result in permanent engine damage if not repaired ASAP. We can fix any of these problems, and we’d like you to know what causes them.

Thick, white smoke means that water is seeping into the exhaust system. The only water in your car’s engine is in the coolant, composed of a fifty-fifty mix of water and antifreeze. Black smoke means that your catalytic converter has failed and isn’t covering the dangerous combustion byproducts into harmless chemicals. Blue smoke suggests an oil leak from your engine, and it can cause your engine to fail.

Engine Temperature Too High

Your Aston Martin has a highly-efficient cooling system that continuously operates to maintain your engine temperature. Coolant is pumped through your engine at high speed and absorbs the heat generated by the combustion process and the numerous constantly moving parts. The heat is then moved to the radiator for dispersal by heat exchange.

The cooling system automatically adjusts its speed to compensate for any temperature increase. If you see your engine temperature rising, there’s a problem in the cooling system that we need to investigate. Worn hoses, a broken water pump, or a jammed thermostat can all cause the engine temperature to rise. Our technicians will find the cause of the problem and repair it.

Oil Leak

Oil, like coolant, continuously flows through your engine. The oil protects engine components from damage by covering them in a friction-resistant coating. Modern oils contain various additives that reduce rust, prevent blockages and extend your engine’s life. In addition, the flow of oil helps to reduce your engine temperature.

An oil leak could be due to a worn seal, a crack in the head gasket, or a failing oil pump. An external oil leak can usually be seen as oil is amber to dark brown, depending on age. We can trace and seal the leak and refill your oil. Your engine performance will immediately improve.

Your Aston Martin requires the level of care only Aston Martin-trained technicians can provide. Call us at Aston Martin Nashville.